Underwriting can be deadly to any story

Great advice from Rachel Starr Thompson about the pitfalls of underwriting. No, that’s not the insurance industry kind of underwriting, it’s when an author tries too hard to show without telling and then skips the interesting stuff going on in the characters’ heads that actually makes any story compelling.

Nope, not this kind of underwriting.

Nope, not this kind of underwriting.

Photo credit: free pictures of money / Foter.com / CC BY

The grim reaper. No, not Death – the book editor!

Nice little post about the pain and ultimate pleasure of the editing process, written by fellow Montreal author Alice Zorn. This is something I’ll be facing very shortly…

An environmentally conscious editor on the way to work.

An environmentally conscious editor on the way to work.
















Photo credit: Bill Gracey / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND

Shelfari character list

This extremely cool. Someone with the username X-Ray who has read Silent Symmetry has taken the time to compile a list of all the book’s characters on reading website Shelfari.

Click here to see the list.

The other cool thing from an author’s perspective is to be able to see who’s either reading or planning to read the book, both on Shelfari and Goodreads.

Here are the Shelfari readers.

Here are the Goodreads readers.

In my opinion, anything that brings an author closer to his or her readers is fantastic. Musicians get to play concerts, artists have exhibitions, but writers historically have stayed more-or-less chained to their desks. Online resources like these help break those chains. Of course, I wrote that dramatic metaphor while sitting at my desk…