Book tour interview

I’m thoroughly enjoying my blog book tour (watch out for my mythical creatures Top 10 list next week!) and today’s stop is at Urban Fantasy Investigations, where I have an interview and book giveaway contest.

Check out my interview here.

In the interview, you’ll discover things like what I do in my down time, which character in the Embodied trilogy was my favourite to write, and where I keep my piece of the Berlin Wall.


Doing things backward(s)

First off, I had no idea when I moved to North America 29 years ago this month that there would be so many finicky differences to negotiate in the English language. Sure, I understood that trousers were pants and the pavement was a sidewalk, because everyone in England knows that. I also understood that after going through labor, American moms put their babies in diapers, while British mums go through labour and put their babies in nappies. But once I became a writer, I discovered all kinds of nuances and subtleties I hadn’t anticipated. Apart from every single part of a car (auto… hood/bonnet, turn signals/indicators, trunk/boot, gun compartment/glove compartment, gas/petrol, windshield/windscreen, wreck/crash… hmmm… that’s a story in itself!), there are adverbs like toward, backward, forward and such like, which I always thought could only be towards, backwards, and forwards. That meant I had to go backward(s) through the first draft of Silent Symmetry fixing them all.

So… while I’m on the subject of backward, I should really have announced my book launch on the day it was actually published (yesterday) instead of writing about my book tour and new website. I guess that’s why I’m a writer and not a publicist (although many of them are great writers, so I’ll just hang my head in shame and feel inadequate).

Therefore… reverse drum roll, please… out yesterday!… the Embodied trilogy special edition ebook collection. Preview it by clicking right here or on the link on the right. Not only does it contain all three books in the series, but a new author foreword, deleted scenes from the end of Diamond Splinters, and a treasure hunt/quiz to see how much readers know about the Embodied and their world.

And while we’re on the theme of yesterday, here’s one of my favourite songs. And it’s a song about favourite songs!

My first book tour!

Rather like one of my favourite literary characters, Don Quixote, I shall put on my suit of armour tomorrow morning and embark on a chivalrous quest, riding my trusty steed.

Okay, fine, just like the man from La Mancha, I’m letting my imagination get the better of me. But tomorrow morning I will drive my daughter to camp in my trusty Subaru and THEN… I shall be visiting the first of many stops on a month-long virtual tour of fantasy and science fiction book blogs.

embodied_851x315 (1)

Blog tours are a great way for a Young Adult author like me to get in touch with new readers and share some information about my books, my life and my writing. A tour is the online equivalent of travelling to a bunch of book stores across North America doing interviews and signing sessions.

During the tour, I’ll be promoting the new Embodied trilogy special edition ebook collection, which is out tomorrow. As the name suggests, it’s a 3-in-1 version of the entire series. But that’s not all! The reason it’s a special edition is that it also includes deleted scenes (basically an alternate ending) from Diamond Splinters, as well as a brand new foreword with author insights and a fun quiz/treasure hunt. As a bonus deal, for the duration of the tour, the trilogy ebook’s retail price is 20% off ($7.99 instead of $9.99).

Here’s the full tour schedule with details of what you can expect at each stop along the way. Thank you to the awesome Roxanne Rhoads at Bewitching Book Tours for organizing the whole thing. More dates may be added along the way. Now to grab my sword and shield…

July 11 Spotlight

Share My Destiny

July 12 Interview

Deal Sharing Aunt

July 13 Interview

Roxanne’s Realm

July 14 Interview and review

Happy Tails and Tales Blog

July 15 Spotlight

3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, and Sissy, Too!

July 18 Interview

Fang-tastic Books

July 19 Spotlight

Lisa’s World of Books

July 20 Spotlight

Zenny's Awesome Book Reviews

July 22 Interview

Urban Fantasy Investigations

July 25 Guest Blog/Top Ten List

The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom

July 27 Interview

Sharon Buchibinder

July 28 Spotlight


July 29 Review

Romance Authors That Rock

August 1 Spotlight and review

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium

August 2 Interview

The Violent Vixen

August 3Interview

Diane’s Book Blog

August 4 Interview

House of Books

August 5 Spotlight

Ramblings of a book nerd

August 8 Spotlight

T's Stuff


The Embodied trilogy is complete!

If you’ve been waiting to find out what happens to Kari Marriner and the people she loves, wait no more! Diamond Splinters, book 3 of the Embodied trilogy, is out today. Available in paperback next month, you can buy the ebook right now for Kindle here, for Apple iOS devices here, for the Barnes & Noble Nook ereader here, and for Kobo here.

DIAMOND SPLINTERS Ebook cover lo-res

Please take a couple of minutes to leave a short review (I really want to hear readers’ thoughts!) on whichever site you purchased Diamond Splinters. Thanks!

Diamond Splinters for Nook, Kobo and iPad (or iPhone, obvi…)

For most indie authors, all the focus is on Amazon. Kindle sales account for somewhere around 85% of all ebooks. Of course  by no stretch of the imagination can Apple possibly be considered “the little guy”, but people don’t only buy apps and songs from iTunes, they buy books too. In Canada, where I live, the Kobo ereader is a surprisingly popular device for the consumption of digital literature, and it’s pretty much the equivalent of Barnes & Noble’s Nook in the US.

So… with only three days to go until the release of Diamond Splinters, it’s time to give a shout-out to the other platforms.

Here’s a link to the book for iOS devices:

Diamond Splinters iTunes preorder screenshot

Fancy a Nook book full of Diamond Splinters? Here you go:

Diamond Splinters Barnes and Noble preorder screenshot

And last but by no means least, here’s where you can find the final book in the Embodied trilogy for Kobo:

Diamond Splinters Kobo preorder screenshot

If you like science fiction with a big dash of urban fantasy, or are a fan of Doctor Who’s blend of soft sci-fi, extra-terrestrial feels and savvy female characters, then I think there’s a good chance you’ll love all the books in the Embodied trilogy.


One week to lift-off!

Diamond Splinters, book 3 of the Embodied trilogy, will be published in ebook format on May 5. To mark the occasion, I’ve organized a virtual launch on Facebook.

Diamond Splinters ebook launch Facebook event screenshot

I’ve also rejuvenated the Embodied trilogy Pinterest page with a bunch of cool images that relate to the trilogy’s storyline, monsters and aliens.

Pinterest screenshot.jpg


The new book is already available for pre-order on Amazon and will also be on the Kobo site and in the Apple iTunes store any day now. Stay tuned!

A title. A cover. A compliment.

The publication date of the final installment in the Embodied trilogy has been set for May 5, and today I’m revealing both the cover and the title. Drum roll, please…

DIAMOND SPLINTERS Ebook cover lo-res

In Diamond Splinters, prep school senior Kari Marriner has a heart-wrenching choice to make: rescue her mother or prevent aliens destroying the Earth. The cover by designer extraordinaire Alex Nereuta shows the two men in Kari’s life who are inextricably wrapped up in her adventure: her boyfriend and fellow student Cruz, and the other-worldly Noon, leader of the Temple of Truth.

In my last post I put out a public call for input on which title to choose from the following options: The Diamond Sphere, Diamond Splinters, and Diamond Scars. In the end it was a close call between the latter two but Splinters won out. You’ll have to read the book to discover what the spheres, scars, and splinters are all about!

An early reader of Diamond Splinters has already given me a huge compliment by saying, “Kari is a total feminist badass. Diamond Splinters is YA for a fun, independent brainy chick into saving the universe.”

If you’re into smart urban fantasy/science fiction, then Diamond Splinters is for you, whether you’re a young adult, man or woman. Or alien.


Call for beta readers!

The Embodied trilogy of urban fantasy-science fiction YA novels is almost complete. As you can see in the image below, I’ll be revealing the name and cover of book 3 on April 4th. I’m now looking for beta readers for the entire trilogy, which includes new editions of books 1 and 2: Silent Symmetry and Starley’s Rust.

So… the first 50 people who sign up for my mailing list or email me ( will receive a FREE ebook of the entire Embodied trilogy to read and give feedback on if they have any.

Diamond Splinters cover tease

This is a very cool opportunity for fans of the genre who haven’t read the first two novels to catch up, and for followers of the series to get in on the action before the thrilling conclusion is released to the general public.
