Visit my new websites!

As you can see, I stopped updating this blog some time ago. But I’ve been writing ever since, and you can see what I’m up to here:

www. is my main website were all roads lead (in theory) is my publishing hub with direct links to buy my books on Amazon

I publish a wide variety of articles on Medium

I create a bi-weekly Substack newsletter called Discomfort Zone which covers the feedback loop between brands, culture and tech

I’ll be publishing my latest novel, Twenty Eighty-Four, in… 2024!

I’ll be signing copies at Prose in the Park!

On June 10th I’ll be heading down to Canada’s picturesque capital Ottawa to sign books and meet readers at the third annual Prose in the Park literary festival. If you’re in the vicinity of the capital region, come listen to the speakers and say hi to me in the YA literature tent.

Here’s a link to the festival’s Facebook page.  With over 150 fellow authors speaking and a number of interesting panels, it looks like it’ll be a great day for all lovers of lit. Hope to see you there!

Bad, bad blogger; big, fat book.

It’s been a while. I’ve been a bad, bad blogger! But I’m back with some exciting news.

The entire Embodied trilogy is now available as a 3-in-1 paperback, and you can get it from Amazon here.

The Embodied Trilogy paperback edition

This is the best (and most affordable!) way to read the trilogy in print. Otherwise you’ll be faced with the following excruciating scenario: You’ll have to lever yourself out of your chair or bed once you’ve finished reading Silent Symmetry, then stagger to your bookshelf and locate your copy of Starley’s Rust. Once you’ve found it and made it back to your preferred reading spot, you’ll have to do the same thing all over again a couple hours later for Diamond Splinters. Sounds like a lot of trouble to go to in comparison with buying all three books in one and staying in bed all day while you read them.

But if for whatever reason a nice, thick paperback isn’t for you, the Embodied trilogy ebook special edition is still available to download for Kindle or to read for free on Kindle Unlimited.

The other bonus of buying the paperback version of the trilogy is that you could be the first to review it on Amazon. Score!

Thank you to Alex Nereuta and Phoenix, The Creative Studio for the cover design and to Yannick Giguère for photographing the book.

Holiday season news!

It’s been a while since I posted and now instead of using my words like a grownup I’ve decided to go all video on you like a millennial. But since WordPress won’t let me embed a YouTube link, you’ll have to click here or on the screen grab below to find out my latest news.


The video is only a minute long, so there’s no Christmas-ruining time investment!

(Hint: the video is about the first story in the Embodied prequel series…)

And on that mysterious note, season’s greetings to all of you. All the best for the holidays and 2017!


My top ten mythical beasts

There comes a time in every man’s life when he must sit back and ponder the universe’s imponderable questions, such as: Do you get wetter or drier if you run home in the rain? Why is moldy cheese good but moldy milk bad? And what are the most super-duper awesomest mythical beasts ever?

Coincidentally, just as I was drawing up a list of the latter, I was asked to write a top ten for a blog called the Creatively Green Write At Home Mom as part of my book tour to promote the Embodied Trilogy Special Edition Ebook Collection. Here’s the link to the post, and be warned… the number one might surprise you!


Here’s one final issue to ponder while walking through the rain or eating moldy cheese: Are ebooks real? And if they aren’t, does that mean they’re mythical beasts too?


PS – Let me know what your favorite mythical beasts are and why in the comments below.

Photo from Wikipedia: CC-BY-SA-2.5

Book tour interview

I’m thoroughly enjoying my blog book tour (watch out for my mythical creatures Top 10 list next week!) and today’s stop is at Urban Fantasy Investigations, where I have an interview and book giveaway contest.

Check out my interview here.

In the interview, you’ll discover things like what I do in my down time, which character in the Embodied trilogy was my favourite to write, and where I keep my piece of the Berlin Wall.


Doing things backward(s)

First off, I had no idea when I moved to North America 29 years ago this month that there would be so many finicky differences to negotiate in the English language. Sure, I understood that trousers were pants and the pavement was a sidewalk, because everyone in England knows that. I also understood that after going through labor, American moms put their babies in diapers, while British mums go through labour and put their babies in nappies. But once I became a writer, I discovered all kinds of nuances and subtleties I hadn’t anticipated. Apart from every single part of a car (auto… hood/bonnet, turn signals/indicators, trunk/boot, gun compartment/glove compartment, gas/petrol, windshield/windscreen, wreck/crash… hmmm… that’s a story in itself!), there are adverbs like toward, backward, forward and such like, which I always thought could only be towards, backwards, and forwards. That meant I had to go backward(s) through the first draft of Silent Symmetry fixing them all.

So… while I’m on the subject of backward, I should really have announced my book launch on the day it was actually published (yesterday) instead of writing about my book tour and new website. I guess that’s why I’m a writer and not a publicist (although many of them are great writers, so I’ll just hang my head in shame and feel inadequate).

Therefore… reverse drum roll, please… out yesterday!… the Embodied trilogy special edition ebook collection. Preview it by clicking right here or on the link on the right. Not only does it contain all three books in the series, but a new author foreword, deleted scenes from the end of Diamond Splinters, and a treasure hunt/quiz to see how much readers know about the Embodied and their world.

And while we’re on the theme of yesterday, here’s one of my favourite songs. And it’s a song about favourite songs!

New author website!

Thanks to the wonderful tools provided by Squarespace and a wee bit of time on my part, I now have a new author website! (And, judging by this photo, a bunch of old-school tech devices lying around in my office…)

Website screenshot

As you’ll see, this site is all about my JB Dutton nom de plume, since I’ll be putting more focus over the next 12 months on other stories that feature the Embodied, as well as my dreadpunk series that will also be published under JB Dutton. I’m sending John B. Dutton out on a sabbatical and I hope he thoroughly enjoys it!